This document is a translation of the original French document and is provided for information purposes only.
The original French version takes precedence over this translation
Paris, July 14th, 2017 – 8:55 am
Two-way split of the par value of the Company’s shares
by the allocation of new shares
The Shareholders’ Combined Meeting of June 8th 2017, in adopting the 13th resolution, resolved to perform a 2-way split by reducing the par value of each Rubis share and gave all powers to the Board of Management to set the effective date of the stock split and to make any other adjustments required.
Therefore, during its meeting of July 13th 2017, the Board of Management decided to carry out the 2-way split by reducing the par value of each Rubis share from €2.50 to €1.25; each shareholder will receive 2 new shares for 1 old share.
The new shares will have the same rights as the existing shares they will replace and the amount of the share capital will remain unchanged.
The operation has been scheduled as below :
- Thursday, July 13th, 2017: publication of the Euronext notice ;
- Friday, July 28th, 2017 : delisting of the former shares (ISIN code FR000012153) and 1st day of listing of the new shares with a par value of €1.25 (ISIN code FR0013269123) ;
- Tuesday, August 1st, 2017 : registration of the new shares.
105, avenue Raymond-Poincaré
75116 Paris – France
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Partnership limited by shares with a share capital of €117,180,950
784 393 530 RCS PARIS – Code APE 6420Z